G411 *ROBOTS must be safe. A ROBOT may not pose an undue
hazard to a human, an ARENA element, or another ROBOT in the following ways:
the ROBOT or anything it CONTROLS, e.g. a NOTE, contacts anything
outside the FIELD except for either of the following:
contact inside the CHUTE and
b. contact
with a surface inside the AMP via a NOTE
its BUMPERS fail such that a segment completely detaches,
a corner (as defined in R401) of its FRAME PERIMETER
is exposed,
its team number or ALLIANCE color are indeterminate,
its BUMPERS leave the BUMPER ZONE REPEATEDLY or for more than a
MOMENTARY amount of time, or
its operation or design is dangerous or unsafe.
Violation: DISABLED.
Examples of dangerous operation or designs that likely pose
undue hazards include, but are not limited to:
A. uncontrolled motion that cannot be stopped by the DRIVE
B. ROBOT parts “flailing” outside of the FIELD,
C. ROBOTS dragging their battery, and
D. ROBOTS that consistently extend outside the FIELD.
Please be conscious of REFEREES and FIELD STAFF working
around the ARENA who may be in close proximity to your ROBOT.