R709      *ROBOTS must have a signal light. ROBOTS must use at least 1, but no more than 2, diagnostic ROBOT Signal Light (RSL) (P/N 855PB-B12ME522 and/or am-3583).

Any RSL must be:

A.     mounted on the ROBOT such that it is easily visible while standing 3 ft. (~ 100 cm) away from at least one side of the ROBOT,

B.     connected to the “RSL” supply terminals on the roboRIO, and

C.     if using the 855PB-B12ME522, wired for solid light operation, by placing a jumper between the “La” and “Lb” terminals on the light per Figure 8‑15.

Please see How to Wire an FRC ROBOT for connection details.

Figure 8‑15 855PB-B12ME522 jumper wiring
