R805      *If using pneumatics, these parts are required. If pneumatic COMPONENTS are used, the following items are required as part of the pneumatic circuit and must be used in accordance with this section, as illustrated in Figure 8‑16.

A.     1 FIRST Robotics Competition legal compressor (per R806),

B.     a pressure relief valve (per R804-B) connected and calibrated (per R811),

C.     a Nason pressure switch (P/N SM-2B-115R/443) and/or REV Robotics Analog Pressure Sensor (P/N REV-11-1107) connected and wired per R812,

D.     at least 1 pressure vent plug plumbed (per R813),

E.     stored pressure gauge and working pressure gauge (per R810), and

F.     1 primary working pressure regulator (per R808).

Figure 8‑16 Pneumatic circuitry
