R405       *BUMPERS interact with BUMPERS. All BUMPERS must have padding (per R402-A) supported by backing (per R402-B) entirely filling the BUMPER ZONE, a space between 2 ½ in. (~63 mm) and 5 ¾ in. (~146 mm) from the floor.

Figure 8‑5 BUMPER ZONE examples

Figure showing BUMPER ZONE examples.

This measurement is intended to be made as if the ROBOT is resting on a flat floor (without changing the ROBOT configuration), not relative to the current height of the ROBOT from the FIELD carpet at any given time. Examples include:

Example 1: A ROBOT that is at an angle while navigating the FIELD has its BUMPERS outside the BUMPER ZONE. If this ROBOT were virtually transposed onto a flat floor, and its BUMPERS are in the BUMPER ZONE, it meets the requirements of this rule.

Example 2: A ROBOT deploys a MECHANISM which lifts the BUMPERS outside the BUMPER ZONE (when virtually transposed onto a flat floor). This violates this rule.