R625       *Don’t modify critical power paths. CUSTOM CIRCUITS shall not directly alter the power pathways between the ROBOT battery, PDP/PDP2.0/PDH, motor controllers, relays (per R504-B), motors and actuators (per R501), pneumatic solenoid valves, or other elements of the ROBOT control system (items explicitly mentioned in R710). Custom high impedance voltage monitoring or low impedance current monitoring circuitry connected to the ROBOT’S electrical system is acceptable, if the effect on the ROBOT outputs is inconsequential.

A noise filter may be wired across motor leads or PWM leads. Such filters will not be considered CUSTOM CIRCUITS and violate neither this rule nor R712.

Acceptable signal filters must be fully insulated and must be 1 of the following:

-         1 microfarad (1 µF) or less, non-polarized, capacitor may be applied across the power leads of any motor on your ROBOT (as close to the actual motor leads as reasonably possible) or

-        a resistor may be used as a shunt load for the PWM control signal feeding a servo.