G415       Expansion limits. A ROBOT may not extend more than 1 ft. 6 in. (~45 cm) beyond the vertical projection of its ROBOT PERIMETER.

If the over-expansion is due to damage and not used for strategic benefit, it is an exception to this rule, and no penalty is imposed.

Violation: MINOR FOUL, or MAJOR FOUL if the over-expansion is used for strategic benefit, including if it impedes or enables a scoring action.

Examples of compliant and non-compliant extensions are shown in Figure 7‑2. ROBOT A violates this rule for having an extension that is too long, while ROBOTS B, C, and D do not violate this rule.

Figure 72 Examples of compliance and non-compliance of this rule (examples A and B are side views, examples C and D are top views)

Figure showing compliance and non-compliance of the expansion rule G415.

The intent of this rule is to prevent piling on a punitive response to a ROBOT that’s already experienced hardship and not leveraging that hardship for gain. Examples for this rule include the following:

A.            a physical device on a team’s ROBOT, whose purpose is to restrain their CORAL scoring arm from extending beyond the limit, breaks after a collision with another ROBOT. Provided the ROBOT does not use the now-too-long extension to score SCORING ELEMENTS, no violation is assigned.

B.            a vertical structural member of a ROBOT breaks at the bottom and rotates out such that it breaches the limit imposed. The ROBOT then parks such that its extension blocks opponent ROBOTS from reaching their PROCESSOR. A MAJOR FOUL is issued.

R105       ROBOT extension limit. ROBOTS may not extend more than 1 ft. 6 in. (~457 mm) beyond the vertical projection of their ROBOT PERIMETER.

Figure 8‑2 ROBOT PERIMETER extension

Figure showing ROBOT PERIMETER extension limit.

Teams should expect to have to demonstrate a ROBOT’S ability to constrain itself per above during inspection. Constraints may be implemented with either hardware or software.

See section 7.4.3 ROBOT for height and extension restrictions for various areas of the FIELD.

R403       *BUMPER extension limit. BUMPERS must not extend more than 4 in. (~101 mm) from the ROBOT PERIMETER.

G211       *Egregious or exceptional violations. Egregious behavior beyond what is listed in the rules or subsequent violations of any rule or procedure during the event is prohibited.

In addition to rule violations explicitly listed in this manual and witnessed by a REFEREE, the Head REFEREE may assign a YELLOW or RED CARD for egregious ROBOT actions or team member behavior at any time during the event.

Please see section 6.6.1 YELLOW and RED CARDS for additional detail.

Violation: YELLOW or RED CARD.

The intent of this rule is to provide the Head REFEREES the flexibility necessary to keep the event running smoothly, as well as keep the safety of all the participants as the highest priority. Behaviors that put the FIRST community or integrity of the game at risk are not allowed and are violations of this rule. Those behaviors include, but are not limited to the list below:

A.      inappropriate behavior as outlined in the blue box of G201,

B.      jumping over the guardrail,

C.      pushing past the FIELD reset person blocking an open gate to get on the FIELD,

D.      reaching into the FIELD and grabbing a ROBOT during a MATCH,

E.      PINNING in excess of 15 seconds,

F.      exploiting the 3-second window after a MATCH described in section 6.5 Scoring to avoid rule violations (e.g. triggering an over-extension that enables CAGE points or using a ROBOT’S residual energy to impact an opponent ROBOT on their BARGE),

G.     triggering scoring sensors or otherwise interfering with FMS or FIELD operation,

H.     climbing on the BARGE, and

I.        throwing an ALGAE directly at an opponent ROBOT

J.      deliberately, running an AUTO to disrupt the opponent ALLIANCE’S CAGES.

K.      deliberately, trying to disrupt multiple opponent ALLIANCE’S CAGES during TELEOP.

The Head REFEREE may assign a YELLOW or RED CARD for a single instance of a rule violation such as the examples given in items above, or for multiple instances of any single rule violation. Teams should be aware that any rule in this manual could escalate to a YELLOW or RED CARD. The Head REFEREE has final authority on all rules and violations at an event.

R624       *Use specified wire colors (mostly). All non-SIGNAL LEVEL wiring with a constant polarity (i.e., except for outputs of relay modules, motor controllers, or sensors) shall be color-coded along their entire length from the manufacturer as follows:

A.      red, yellow, white, brown, or black-with-stripe on the positive (e.g. +24VDC, +12VDC, +5VDC, etc.) connections

B.      black or blue for the common or negative side (-) of the connections

Exceptions to this rule include:

C.      wires that are originally attached to legal devices and any extensions to these wires using the same color as the manufacturer

D.      Ethernet cable used in PoE cables

R301       *Individual item cost limit. No individual, non-KOP item or software shall have a Fair Market Value (FMV) that exceeds $600 USD. The total cost of COMPONENTS purchased in bulk may exceed $600 USD as long as the cost of an individual COMPONENT does not exceed $600 USD.

Teams should be ready to show INSPECTORS documentation of FMV for any COMPONENTS that appear to be in the range of the $600 USD limit.

The Analog Devices IMU MXP Breakout Board, P/N ADIS16448, does not have a published FMV. This device is considered to comply with this rule regardless of its true FMV.

The FMV of a COTS item is its price defined by a VENDOR for the part or an identical functional replacement. This price must be generally available to all FIRST Robotics Competition teams throughout the build and competition season (i.e. short-term sale prices or coupons do not reflect FMV), however teams are only expected to make a good faith effort at determining the item price and are not expected to monitor prices of ROBOT items throughout the season. The FMV is the cost of the item itself and does not include any duties, taxes, tariffs, shipping, or other costs that may vary by locality.

The FMV of COTS software is the price, set by the VENDOR, to license the software (or piece of the software) that runs on the ROBOT for the period from Kickoff to the end of the FIRST Championship. The FMV of software licensed free-of-cost, including through the Virtual KOP, for use on the ROBOT is $0.

The FMV of FABRICATED parts is the value of the material and/or labor, except for labor provided by team members (including sponsor employees who are members of the team), members of other teams, and/or event provided machine shops. Material costs are accounted for as the cost of any purchasable quantity that can be used to make the individual part (i.e. the purchasable raw material is larger than the FABRICATED part).

Example 1: A team orders a custom bracket made by a company to the team's specification. The company’s material cost and normally charged labor rate apply.

Example 2: A team receives a donated sensor. The company would normally sell this item for $450 USD, which is therefore its FMV.

Example 3: A team purchases titanium tube stock for $400 USD and has it machined by a local machine shop. The machine shop is not considered a team sponsor but donates 2 hours of expended labor anyway. The team must include the estimated normal cost of the labor as if it were paid to the machine shop and add it to the $400 USD.

Example 4: A team purchases titanium tube stock for $400 USD and has it machined by a local machine shop that is a recognized sponsor of the team. If the machinists are considered members of the team, their labor costs do not apply. The total applicable cost for the part would be $400 USD.

It is in the best interests of the teams and FIRST to form relationships with as many organizations as possible. Recognizing supporting companies as sponsors of, and members in, the team is encouraged, even if the involvement of the sponsor is solely through the donation of fabrication labor.

Example 5: A team purchases titanium tube stock for $400 USD and has it machined by another team. The total applicable cost for the part would be $400 USD.

Example 6: A team purchases a widget at a garage sale or online auction for $300, but it’s available for sale from a VENDOR for $700. The FMV is $700.

If a COTS item is part of a modular system that can be assembled in several possible configurations, then each individual module must fit within the price constraints defined in this rule.

If the modules are designed to assemble into a single configuration, and the assembly is functional in only that configuration, then the total cost of the complete assembly including all modules must fit within the price constraints defined in this rule.

In summary, if a VENDOR sells a system or a kit, a team must use the entire system/kit FMV and not the value of its COMPONENT pieces.

Example 7: VENDOR A sells a gearbox that can be used with a number of different gear sets, and can mate with 2 different motors they sell. A team purchases the gearbox, a gear set, and a motor, then assembles them together. Each part is treated separately for the purpose of determining FMV since the purchased pieces can each be used in various configurations.

Example 8: VENDOR B sells a robotic arm assembly that a team wants to use. However, it costs $630 USD, so they cannot use it. The VENDOR sells the “hand”, “wrist”, and “arm” as separate assemblies, for $210 USD each. A team wishes to purchase the 3 items separately, then reassemble them. This would not be legal, as they are really buying and using the entire assembly, which has a Fair Market Value of $630 USD.

Example 9: VENDOR C sells a set of wheels or wheel modules that are often used in groups of 4. The wheels or modules can be used in other quantities or configurations. A team purchases 4 and uses them in the most common configuration. Each part is treated separately for the purpose of determining FMV, since the purchased pieces can be used in various configurations.

R713       *Only approved MXP devices can control actuators. If a motor is controlled via the MXP, its power regulating device must be connected by 1 of the following methods:

A.      directly to any PWM pins,

B.      via a network of PASSIVE CONDUCTORS used to extend the PWM pins, or

C.      via 1 approved ACTIVE DEVICE:

a.      Kauai Labs navX MXP

b.      Kauai Labs navX2 MXP

c.      RCAL MXP Daughterboard

d.      REV Robotics RIOduino

e.      REV Robotics Digit Board

f.        West Coast Products Spartan Sensor Board

g.      Huskie Robotics HUSKIE 2.0 Board

A PASSIVE CONDUCTOR is any device or circuit whose capability is limited to the conduction and/or static regulation of the electrical energy applied to it (e.g. wire, splices, connectors, printed wiring board, etc.).

An ACTIVE DEVICE is any device capable of dynamically controlling and/or converting a source of electrical energy by the application of external electrical stimulus.

The “network of PASSIVE CONDUCTORS” only applies to the pins being used for PWM output to motors or servos. This means that connecting an ACTIVE DEVICE, such as a sensor to 1 MXP pin does not prevent other MXP pins from being used in accordance with B.

R710       *Only specified modifications to control system devices permitted. The Driver Station Software, roboRIO, PDP/PDP2.0/PDH, PCM(s)/PH(s), VRM(s)/RPM(s), RSL, 120A breaker, motor controllers, MXP devices used to control actuators per R713-C, relay modules (per R504-B), wireless bridge, PDP/PDP2.0/PDH breakers and fuses, Servo Power Module, Servo Hub, Kraken Powerpole adapter boards, and batteries shall not be tampered with, modified, or adjusted in any way (tampering includes drilling, cutting, machining, rewiring, disassembling, painting, etc.), with the following exceptions:

Please note that the Driver Station Software is a separate application from the Dashboard. The Driver Station Software may not be modified, while teams are expected to customize their Dashboard code.

A.      User programmable code in the roboRIO may be customized.

B.      Motor controllers may be calibrated as described in owner's manuals.

C.      Fans may be attached to motor controllers and may be powered from the power input terminals.

D.      If powering the compressor, the fuse on a Spike H-Bridge Relay may be replaced with a VB3A-20A Snap-Action circuit breaker.

E.      Wires, cables, and signal lines may be connected via the standard connection points provided on the devices.

F.      Fasteners (including adhesives) may be used to attach the device to the OPERATOR CONSOLE or ROBOT or to secure cables to the device.

G.     Thermal interface material may be used to improve heat conduction.

H.     Labeling may be applied to indicate device purpose, connectivity, functional performance, etc.

I.        Jumpers may be changed from their default location.

J.      Limit switch jumpers may be removed from a Jaguar motor controller and a custom limit switch circuit may be substituted.

K.      Device firmware may be updated with manufacturer supplied firmware.

L.      Integral wires on motor controllers may be cut, stripped, and/or connectorized.

M.    Devices may be repaired, provided the performance and specifications of the device after the repair are identical to those before the repair.

N.     The cover may be removed from the Talon SRX or Talon FX data port.

O.     Electrical tape may be applied to the aluminum plate inside the wireless bridge.

P.      The input terminal cover from the PDP may be omitted (no other element may be installed using the threaded holes to install something in place of the PDP terminal cover).

Q.     The roboRIO 2.0 SD card may be replaced with an SD card of any capacity.

R.      adding insulating material to exposed conductors.

S.      replacing control system power terminal blocks (e.g. RSL power connector) with functional equivalents

T.      tape may be applied for debris protection.

Please note that while repairs are permitted, the allowance is independent of any manufacturer’s warranty. Teams make repairs at their own risk and should assume that any warranty or return options are forfeited. Be aware that diagnosing and repairing COMPONENTS such as these can be difficult.

For more information about modification O, please see this OM5P-AC Radio Modification article.

R501       *Allowable motors. The only motors and actuators permitted include the following (in any quantity):

Table 8‑1 Motor allowances

Motor Name

Part Numbers Available

AndyMark 9015


AndyMark 9015

AndyMark NeveRest



AndyMark PG

am-2161 (alt. PN am-2765)

am-2194 (alt. PN am-2766)

AndyMark RedLine Motor



AndyMark Snow Blower Motor







M5 – RS550-12














CTR Electronics Minion



CTR Electronics/VEX Robotics Falcon 500





Current/former KOP automotive motors

Denso AE235100-0160

Denso 5-163800-RC1

Denso 262100-3030

Denso 262100-3040

Bosch 6 004 RA3 194-06

Johnson Electric JE-PLG-149

Johnson Electric JE-PLG-410

Nidec Dynamo BLDC Motor



Playing with Fusion Venom



REV Robotics HD Hex



REV Robotics NEO Brushless

REV-21-1650 (v1.0 or v1.1)



REV Robotics NEO 550



REV Robotics NEO Vortex









West Coast Products Kraken x44



West Coast Products Kraken x60



West Coast Products RS775 Pro



Fans, no greater than 120mm (nominal) size and rated electrical input power no greater than 10 watts (W) continuous duty at 12 volts (VDC)

Hard drive motors part of a legal COTS computing device

Factory installed vibration and autofocus motors resident in COTS computing devices (e.g. rumble motor in a smartphone).

PWM COTS rotational servos with stall current ≤ 4A and mechanical output power ≤ 8W at 6V. PWM COTS linear servos with max stall current ≤ 1A at 6V.

Motors integral to a COTS sensor (e.g. LIDAR, scanning sonar, etc.), provided the device is not modified except to facilitate mounting

1 compressor compliant with R806 and used to compress air for the ROBOT’S pneumatic system

COTS linear actuators, electrical solenoid actuators, or electromagnets rated for 12V and wired downstream of a breaker 20A or less. Electrical solenoid actuators or electromagnets used at 24V must be rated for 24V.

For servos, note that the roboRIO is limited to a max current output of 2.2A on the 6V rail (12.4W of electrical input power). Teams should make sure that their total servo power usage remains below this limit at all times.

Servo mechanical output power is approximated by the following formula (using 6V data reported by manufacturer): Mechanical Output Power (in W) = 0.25 x (Stall Torque in N-m) x (No Load Speed in rad/s). This calculator from the FIRST Tech Challenge documentation can be used to help calculate output power from inputs of various units.

Given the extensive amount of motors allowed on the ROBOT, teams are encouraged to consider the total power available from the ROBOT battery during the design and build of the ROBOT. Drawing large amounts of current from many motors at the same time could lead to drops in ROBOT battery voltage that may result in tripping the main breaker or trigger the brownout protection of the roboRIO. For more information about the roboRIO brownout protection and measuring current draw using the PDP/PDH, see roboRIO Brownout and Understanding Current Draw.

AndyMark PG Gearmotors are sold with labeling based on the entire assembly. Assemblies labeled am-3651 through am-3656 contain legal motors specified in Table 8‑1. These motors may be used with or without the provided gearbox.

R102       *STARTING CONFIGURATION – no overhang. In the STARTING CONFIGURATION (the physical configuration in which a ROBOT starts a MATCH), no part of the ROBOT shall extend outside the vertical projection of the ROBOT PERIMETER, with the exception of its BUMPERS and minor protrusions such as bolt heads, fastener ends, rivets, cable ties, etc.

If a ROBOT is designed as intended and each side is pushed up against a vertical wall (in STARTING CONFIGURATION and with BUMPERS removed), only the ROBOT PERIMETER (or minor protrusions) will be in contact with the wall.

The allowance for minor protrusions in this rule is intended to allow protrusions that are both minor in extension from the ROBOT PERIMETER and cross-sectional area.

If a ROBOT uses interchangeable MECHANISMS per I103, Teams should be prepared to show compliance with this rule and R105 in all configurations.

E114        *Limit flag and flagpole size. Flags and flagpoles may not be of unreasonable size and weight.  

As a guideline, reasonable flags are less than 3 ft. by 5 ft. (~91 cm by 152 cm) in size and weigh less than 2 lbs. (~907g). Reasonable flagpoles may not be more than 8 ft. (~243 cm) long and weigh less than 3 lbs. (~1360g).

E402        *Load-In person limit is 5. Only 5 team members (one of which must be an adult) may be in the pit area during any Load-In period prior to pits opening.

Violation: Extra team members must leave the venue.

E802        *Pit person limit during Ceremonies is 5. No more than 5 team members may be in the pits during Ceremonies outside of Playoff MATCHES.

R809       *Limited devices at high pressure. Only the compressor, relief valve, pressure switch, pressure vent plug, pressure gauge, storage tanks, tubing, pressure transducers, filters, and connecting fittings may be in the high-pressure pneumatic circuit upstream from the regulator.

It is recommended that all COMPONENTS in the high-pressure pneumatic circuit upstream from the regulator be rated for at least 115 psi (~793 kPa, 7.9 Bar) working pressure.

E303        *Tethered operation outside FIELDS/Practice Fields. ROBOTS may only be operated by tether when outside the FIELD or Practice Field.

R404       *BUMPERS must be soft. Hard parts of BUMPERS must not extend more than 1 ¼ in. (~31 mm) from the ROBOT PERIMETER. Only padding (per R402-A), cover (per R402-C, including any coatings or markings), and soft fasteners used to secure padding or cover are permitted beyond this limit. Padding must extend at least 2 in. (~51 mm) beyond any hard parts of the BUMPER.

Hard parts include any items which are likely to cause damage to the cloth or padding of other BUMPERS such as nuts and bolts, cable ties, hard plastics, etc.

R623       *Use only appropriate connectors. Branch circuits may include intermediate elements such as COTS connectors, splices, COTS flexible/rolling/sliding contacts, and COTS slip rings, as long as the entire electrical pathway is via appropriately gauged/rated elements.

Slip rings containing mercury are prohibited per R203.

G431       *DRIVE TEAMS, watch your reach. A DRIVE TEAM member may not extend into the CHUTE

Violation: MINOR FOUL.

R608       *Limit non-battery energy. Non-electrical sources of energy used by the ROBOT (i.e., stored at the start of a MATCH) shall come only from the following sources:

A.      compressed air stored in the pneumatic system that has been charged in compliance with R806 and R807,

B.      a change in the altitude of the ROBOT center of gravity,

C.      storage achieved by deformation of ROBOT parts,

D.      closed-loop COTS pneumatic (gas) shocks, or

E.      air-filled (pneumatic) wheels.

R601       *Battery limit – everyone has the same power. The only legal source of electrical energy for the ROBOT during the competition, the ROBOT battery, must be 1 and only 1 non-spillable sealed lead acid (SLA) battery with the following specifications:

A.      Nominal voltage: 12V

B.      Nominal capacity at 20-hour discharge rate: minimum 17Ah, maximum 18.2Ah

C.      Shape: Rectangular

D.      Nominal Dimensions: 7.1 in. x 3 in. x 6.6 in., +/- .1 in. for each dimension (~ 180 mm x 76mm x 168 mm, +/- 2.5 mm for each dimension)

E.      Nominal weight: 11lbs. to 14.5 lbs. (~5 kg. to 6.5 kg.)

F.      Terminals: Nut and bolt style

"Nut and bolt style" refers to any style battery terminal where the connector is secured to the battery using a threaded fastener.

Examples of batteries which meet these criteria include:

A.      Enersys (P/N NP18-12, NP18-12B, NP18-12BFR),

B.      MK Battery (P/N ES17-12),

C.      Battery Mart (P/N SLA-12V18),

D.      Sigma (P/N SP12-18),

E.      Universal Battery (P/N UB12180),

F.      Power Patrol (P/N SLA1116),

G.     Werker Battery (P/N WKA12-18NB),

H.     Power Sonic (P/N PS-12180NB),

I.        Yuasa (P/N NP18-12B),

J.      Panasonic (P/N LC-RD-1217),

K.      Interstate Batteries (P/N BSL1116), and

L.      Duracell Ultra Battery (P/N DURA12-18NB).

Teams should be aware that they may be asked to provide documentation of the specifications of any battery not listed above.

Batteries should be charged in accordance with manufacturer’s specification. (Please see the FIRST Safety Manual for additional information.)